Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Just a Snippet: Too Much

Snippet: Noun; clip, snatch, morsel, small thing. Just a tiny little thing to say!

So I'm about to leave work (yes, I blog at work, I'm not that good of an employee) and I feel like I've been kicked in the crotch and smacked in the head repeatedly. So many people, so badly damaged, it's like their humanity has been stolen from them and in a very realy way they are less than human. I can't imagone what it's like being God (well, duh) and really being so much more invested in their welfare than I am and knowing every intimate detail of every hurt of every person. This is one of the reasons I am convinced that God is real: I have to believe that someone will make it better someday. And I do believe that. And I have to go home now.

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